CHUNG Hyun has been working with materials such as railroad tracks, telephone poles, steel, and industrial by-products like asphalt concrete in road paving which he uses to express various shapes and forms. The human figures he creates are far from traditional realist sculptures where appearances and emotions are expressed realistically. He eliminates these aspects and uses coarse and basic shapes to emphasize the symbolic power inherent in the solidity of the material itself.


A Man Standing is an artwork in which the railroad sections are pieces that no longer serve a purpose and have been roughly cut away. These are materials that have endured the environment’s process of erosion over a long period. They invoke a wide range of meanings relating to the passage of time, invariability, history and its testimonies, pain, resistance, and endurance. Thus, A Man Standing portrays a “universal form of humans living in the present after tolerating long periods of hardships, foreseeing the future, and going beyond time.”


"A Man Standing”, 48 sculptures exhibited in the jardin du Palais-Royal, April 30 – September 18th, 2016, exhibition organized in partnership with Ministère de la culture et de la communication, Centre des monuments nationaux, ART PARIS ART FAIR 2016 and l’Institut Français, année France-Corée 2015-2016


Drawings made of tar and charcoal, IBU GALLERY, April 30 – May 28, 2016